.:: butterfly ::.

the wonderful FANGYI
the gentle LIMIN
the chio SHIHAN

.:: flutters ::.

cute guys excpt shihan who dosen!!

.:: moth ::.

dislikes?? dunnoe leh

Monday, November 08, 2004
A mind numbing rattle

That horrible limin ar...update one time then stop oredy. Not as is she has her own blog. Must be the lack of creativity and lack of brains to induce her to write man. OR...hmmm..mebbe she has her love life to be concerned with that she cannot be bothered about me le...waaaaaaah...boohooo...so sad! Lets not even talk about Shihan who refuses to acknowledge us. Wah...coz she thinks that the web name is embarassing. Very embarrasin meh? Shall give her a tongue lashing when i see her tml. TML i have CNY informal..but ar...stupid CNY is soooooo far away leh. Haben even but my new clothes den hafta prepare for it oredy. Makes NO sense right?
hehz...Given my will to do well for myself and boh liaoness, I decided to undertake an 3 online courses. One of which is on Egyptian Mythology. Wah..that course ar..ultra soporific..mind numbing and sleep inducing. BUT i paid money for it so I am so going to learn. Go man!!
haha...And i realised that i will be doing interesting stuff on my attachment. Interview applicants at the prisons. Go to Court for hearing. haha...so fun. So much better than cleaning shit and pouring urine right limin.
Oyah...yeah...limin and I are going shopping on Friday. I think we are stiu undecided on who is goin to treat hu. The latest consensus is that its my treat! yeah...tho..an ultra dampening thing on that day is her BIRTHDAY...haiz...too bad..cannot avoid it..haha

___* flyy awayx + 10:27 PM

* * *

.:: butterflies ::.

.:: talk to me ::.


.:: fly back ::.

September 2004

.:: credits ::.

blogskins October 2004

.:: credits ::.

blogskins November 2004

.:: credits ::.
