.:: butterfly ::.

the wonderful FANGYI
the gentle LIMIN
the chio SHIHAN

.:: flutters ::.

cute guys excpt shihan who dosen!!

.:: moth ::.

dislikes?? dunnoe leh

Sunday, October 24, 2004

That Limin dosen noe wat is the meanin of BE GONE!! say bye bye so many times le stiu want to come back. I am typin this entry not bcoz i am bein predictable...I AM NOT! I am the most unpredictable and creative person that ever lived..arhaha..I just want to be the last one to type and thwart her "feels good"-to-be-the-last-person-to-type feeling..heh..i am an old meanie..I noe..but well...can't blame me.. All this is cultivated by the long pent up frustration towards pw..the horrible social situation..the US election[tho i dunnoe wat it has to do with me..nvm..blame the world]. I agree with limin that PW sux but for a different reason. You see..she thinks it sux coz she cannot do it..I different..arhaha..I think that it sux because I do it so well that..haiz..its beneath me to do such senseless and brainless work...
typin and writin truckloads of rubbish shit.. so useless
AND ar..juz coz limin has to go Singapore cancer society to clean urine and shit does not mean that she should ignore my legitimate concern about what to wear. Just coz she can wear anything oso nobody will care does not mean that she should not help me to find something to wear mah...horrible gurl..shall nag her tml durin mornin briefin and when we are at the TAG briefin.. And of couse, I will crow in triumph that I am the last person of the day to type the blog...well...actually..firz person of the day..its past 12 midnite le..arhaha...

___* flyy awayx + 11:56 PM

* * *


I think Limin is somewhat drunk and full of shit today...No...initially arh...I wanted to be a nurse ok..so that I can have a relationship with a doctor..arhaha...u noe nurse and doctor, very cliche. BUT I realise that if I bcom nurse ar...den I will lose to Limin so I decided to be a patient instead because a patient can also be a lawyer rite. Den Limin can intro me her doctor frens and I can intro her my lawyer frenz...Lawyer and doctor oso quite cliche lah. BUT hu noes that stupid limin wants to be an ONCOLOGIST..a cancer doctor..SEE..now...how can I be a patient leh, to be a patient I muz have cancer (ie uncontrolled cell deivision..something related to the proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor gene..see..bio pro..nvm)..wah...so i will now be a spinster who is very powerful in the law arena..So limin..if u kill someone accidentally..I will save u k..dun worry..arhaha... Shihan will be a psychologist..she can help me psycho my clients to tell the truth and lie to limin's patients thatt they will not die..We will all lead a useful life..heez
You noe..there is something worryin me!! wat the hell am i suppose to wear for my attachment?? cannot be jeans rite? mini skirt? and this is not a bimbo qn..it is a legitimate concern k..Someone help me..Limin needs help to if I am not wrong..arhaha..prolly it does not matter wat she wear lah since she go there empty urine and shit buckets only..heh heh...

___* flyy awayx + 11:30 PM

* * *

Thursday, October 14, 2004
why nobody

___* flyy awayx + 9:30 PM

* * *

.:: butterflies ::.

.:: talk to me ::.


.:: fly back ::.

September 2004

.:: credits ::.

blogskins October 2004

.:: credits ::.

blogskins November 2004

.:: credits ::.
